When you book direct with Park Regis Hotels, you open up a world of exciting benefits, offers, loyalty programme experiences and not only those of our hotels. Discover our collection of local partner offers and experiences that you can enjoy during your stay when you book direct with us.

Local Partner Offers
Exclusive Hotel Direct Partners

To redeem the offer guests should go to www.badfishy.com.au to check availability and book their ride. Enter the promo code PRPMGuest to get 15% off adult and child tickets. Conditions apply, not available in conjunction with any other offer. Valid, subject to availability until 31.12.23

Enjoy 10% off Wharf One Cafe services as a direct booker with us. To book your experience, please visit their website and mention that you’re a guest of Park Regis City Quays. To redeem your discount, please present your hotel room key upon arrival.
Terms & Conditions
*Terms and conditions apply. Subject to availability. When claiming your exclusive offer at the local partners all guests must advise the business that they are a direct booking guest of the hotel. Guests may be required to show proof of accommodation prior to receiving the applicable discount. There may be certain terms and conditions applicable at the local business that guests must also follow.